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LNG (liquefied natural gas) is obtained by cooling natural gas at atmospheric pressure to approximately -162 °C, resulting in a fuel that is colorless, odorless and non-toxic. It is transported and stored in liquid form and provided to the customer in gas form. The heavy hydrocarbons in natural gas are removed during the process of liquefaction making LNG cleaner than natural gas and giving it a higher thermal value.

The Advantages of LNG

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    • It makes it possible to use natural gas in areas where natural gas is not available via the national delivery network or municipal distribution system.

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    • It is a more economic source of energy when compared to black products (fuel oil and diesel) and LPG.

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    • It is suitable for consumer purposes such as process, steam recovery, heating and cooking in sectors like tourism, steel, paper and ceramic.

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    • Because of it high energy content, the total amount of energy needed is reduced.

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    • It expands 600 times to reach its gaseous state (1 unit of LNG = 600 units of natural gas).

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    • A large amount of natural gas can be stored and transported at low pressure.

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    • It can be used in all burning devices by making minor changes.

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    • Because it is a clean fuel, it contributes to improved product quality and reduces maintenance costs.

Logistic Fleet

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    The operational team of GREEN ENERGY AUTOMATION D.O.O systematically coordinated all operational processes in the delivery of LNG to the delivery address. Safe and high-quality service is provided by transport vehicles manufactured in accordance with international standards, with CE and ADR certification (Accord europeen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route). With the help of a vehicle tracking system, the real-time location and speed of transport vehicles are monitored 7/24. In addition, special training is provided to operators involved in the distribution of LNG to ensure that LNG operations take place safely, without endangering human health or the environment.

LNG Tariff

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    LNG Wholesale Price = Terminal LNG Sales Price + Delivery Charge + Investment Fee

    Notes :

    • 1 m3 of natural gas is equivalent to the volume of 1 m3 of natural gas at 15oC and 1.01325 bars of absolute pressure.
    • Sales prices are based on a top thermal value for natural gas of 9,155 kcal/Sm3.


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    Stock Tank: This is a cryogenic tank where LNG is stored in liquid form at -162oC and consists of a tank within a tank. The stainless steel tank on the inside is used to store LNG while the external steel tank is used for isolation. Perlite and a vacuum process is used in all of the Aygaz Doğal Gaz tanks to minimize the tanks contact with the external environment and maximize efficiency.

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    Evaporators: In order to ensure a safe and efficient flow of the necessary amount of natural gas, atmospheric evaporators that do not require additional energy are used in the systems. The evaporators used in all of the Aygaz Doğal Gaz LNG systems are made entirely of aluminum to minimize your maintenance costs. In areas with extreme weather conditions, evaporators are assisted by electrical heaters. In applications with large volume consumption, hot water evaporators are used.

Other Equipments

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    Emergency cut-off valve: In emergency situations such as fire and earthquake, the flow of liquid is cut off with a remote control mechanism.

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    Safety valves: In situations where the pressure in the tank exceeds 5.1 bars, the gas in the tank is released by opening this valve.

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    Temperature sensors: By measuring the temperature of the LNG in the gaseous phase, gas that is colder than -18OC is prevented from entering the carbon steel lines by closing the liquid outlets on the tank. There are two temperature gauges in the system.

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    Multi regulator – economizer: This ensures that the pressure in the gas line remains within specified values. In the event that the pressure in the tank rises, it is activated to cut off the flow of liquid and allow the flow of gas.

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    Odorant: Under normal conditions, LNG is odorless. Therefore, it is odorized with mercaptan so that it can be detected if there is a leak.

Technicalities and Safety

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    All equipment used in LNG systems has been certified by independent organizations. To ensure safety LNG systems are built in accordance with international standards (TS EN 13458).

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    The space for the LNG tank from environmental factors is secured by a wire fence. LNG systems are installed in the tank of the tank in proportion to the volume of the tank and the environmental conditions, taking into account the possibility of releasing LNG from the LNG tank into the environment.

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    In LNG systems, concrete tank foundations and static anchoring system calculations are specifically designed to suit earthquake conditions. LNG tanks and equipment are grounded in accordance with fire and lightning standards.

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    All our employees and tanker operators receive continuous training and certificates on the use and operation of LNG, as well as general transport rules and safety issues.

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    Appropriate documentation and information support are provided for LNG users, and the applied training describing the system is provided during the installation of the LNG plant, both during and after the commissioning of the system.

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    Warning signs and labels regarding possible hazards and measures to be taken will be hung in the area of the LNG tank.

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    Fire extinguishers with dry chemical powder suitable for tank volume should be available in LNG systems.

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    After the system is activated, all types of information sharing and technical support are available 24 hours a day via both telephone, and if necessary, on-site intervention for problems and needs customers may encounter after the system is brought online.